Big Picture (Audit 8)

  • So much data, you're probably thinking.
  • And you're right. A tremendous number of important factors and their interactions make up the complex systems of a biocluster community "organism." Making sense of that complexity could be an overwhelming task.
  • We make sense of all this information by distilling your biocluster's strengths and its areas for improvement into an overall chart that you can easily grasp, clearly communicate and act upon. Here is a sample chart showing the overall view of a hypothetical biocluster:
Biocluster Success - Introduction
Organizational Infrastructure (Audit 1)
Inventory of Players (Audit 2)
Networks of Player Categories (Audit 3)
External Resources Networks (Audit 4)
Current Results (Audit 5)
People Qualities (Audit 6)
Success in the Details (Audit 7)

Roadmap to Your Future (Strategy Development)
Begin the Journey (Implementation)


  • Biocluster analysis example - strengths and weaknesses: spider chart
  • The chart clearly shows that this hypothetical biocluster's strengths are in its service sector, local government and economic development agencies and its startups. However, funding, large companies and primary education have serious gaps.

A further, partial interpretation of the above chart is below, derived from an analysis of the details (see example in module 7):

  • Service providers are well represented and active in this biocluster
  • Startups are plentiful and growing
  • Tax and other incentives and programs are in place
  • There is a scarcity of research parks and incubators
  • The biotech and other associations offer limited assistance and do not interact much with each other
  • The few funders that are local tend to invest outside the biotech community


  • The objectives which you've identified  for your biocluster will help you determine the importance of these and a wealth of other conclusions about your biocluster's strengths and weaknesses that can be drawn from this study. This ranking will reveal the way to developing a successful strategy, your unique roadmap, for achieving your biocluster's goals.


For more information, e-mail [email protected]

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