Success is in the Details (Audit 7)

  • We review each of the ten segments in terms of numbers and types of organizations within your biocluster, presence, type of activities, results achieved, people skills and other factors; you will have a series of charts that illustrate strengths and weaknesses, accompanied by a detailed interpretation of the findings.
  • Here is a hypothetical example showing relative effectiveness of different kinds of MARKETING efforts (not a complete list):
Biocluster Success - Introduction
Organizational Infrastructure (Audit 1)
Inventory of Players (Audit 2)
Networks of Player Categories (Audit 3)
External Resources Networks (Audit 4)
Current Results (Audit 5)
People Qualities (Audit 6)

The Big Picture (Audit 8)
Roadmap to Your Future (Strategy Development)
Begin the Journey (Implementation)

Biocluster analysis of marketing efforts - radar chart example

The chart above shows, for example, that consolidation of all important information in at least one location or medium (e.g. print, website, presentation) is a relative strength of this hypothetical biocluster, with a ranking of 7 out of a possible 10. Most of the marketing efforts, however, have plenty of room for improvement.

You will have a series of charts relevant to your biocluster; each chart is accompanied by a narrative of your biocluster's specific situation, based on the prior data-gathering steps and your biocluster's list of objectives. You will lfind these charts to be particularly effective for explaining your biocluster's current situtation to your community.

All the information gathered on your biocluster is assembled and depicted in a Big Picture chart.

For more information, e-mail [email protected]

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